psychiatric disorders delirium

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psychiatric disorders delirium

Delirium is a serious mental disorder that causes patients to experience severe confusion and loss of consciousness towards the environment . In the initial phase , delirium will grow quite quickly , from several hours to several days .

Some of the factors that increase a person's risk of delirium are :
  • Having a brain disorder .
  • Elderly .
  • Delirium never experienced before.
  • Impaired vision or hearing .
  • Suffer from several medical disorders .
Recovery of patients with delirium depends on the physical and mental health conditions before they develop delirium. Patients with delirium who have a serious illness at risk for experiencing some of the following complications:
  • The fall in the level of general health.
  • Poor recovery after a surgical procedure.
  • Increased risk of death.
  • Loss of ability to interact.
  • The loss of the ability to care for themselves.
Symptoms and Types of Delirium
A symptom is something that is felt and told by the patient. Patients will show symptoms of delirium after he hit a few hours to several days. Sometimes, the symptoms of delirium will be worse at night.

Some common symptoms of delirium are:
  • Decreased awareness of the surroundings. This can cause an inability to stay focused on the topic or to change the subject, easily distracted by things that are not important, and dreamy so it does not react to things that are happening around him.
  • Poor thinking skills (cognitive impairment). This will look like a poor short-term memory, disorientation (not knowing where he was), difficulty talking, rambling speech, and difficulty in understanding speech, reading and writing.
  • Emotional disturbance. Patients will appear anxiety, fear or paranoia, depression, irritability, apathy, abrupt mood changes, and changes in personality.
  • Changes in behavior. Others will see patients experiencing delirium, hallucinations, agitation and aggressive, issued groaning or calling, become quiet and withdrawn, slowed movement, and disruption of sleep habits (active hours and hours of sleep to be reversed).
Based on the symptoms shown patients, delirium can be divided into several types, namely:
  • Hyperactive delirium. Patients will be seen agitated, often changing mood or hallucinating.
  • Hypoactive delirium. Patients will appear inactive or decrease motor activity, lethargy, sleepiness that is not normal, or dazed.
  • Delirium mix. Patients will often show symptoms of delirium hyperactivity changes to hypoactive delirium or otherwise.
Causes of Delirium
Delirium can be caused by one or more factors. Some factors that may cause delirium are:
  • Several types of treatment or drug intoxication.
  • Chronic or severe illness.
  • Abuse of drugs and alcohol.
  • Withdrawal symptoms or breaking of alcoholic beverages.
  • Malnutrition or dehydration.
  • Certain medical conditions.
  • Sleep disorders or severe emotional disturbance.
  • Metabolic imbalance.
  • Fever and acute infections, especially in children.
  • Exposure to toxins.
  • Pain.
  • The process of surgery or other medical procedures involving anesthesia.
Some medications or combination of medications could also lead to emergence delirium, namely:
  • Painkillers.
  • Parkinson's disease drugs.
  • Sleeping pills.
  • Asthma medications.
  • Anti-allergic drugs.
  • Medicine for seizures.
  • Drugs for mood disorders, such as depression and anxiety.
diagnosis Delirium
Diagnosis is a step the doctor to identify the disease or condition that explains the symptoms and signs experienced by the patient . There are some checks that will be conducted by physicians to diagnose delirium , namely :
  • Physical examination and neurological conditions . Patients will undergo a physical examination to check for medical disorder or disease that can cause delirium . On neurological examination , the doctor will look for other neurological diseases or stroke that could underlie delirium through examination of the conditions of vision , balance, coordination , and reflexes .
  • Examination of psychiatric conditions . The doctor will assess the level of awareness , attention , and thinking power of patients through the interview , testing , and screening .
  • Other tests . The doctor may advise the patient to undergo a blood test , urine , and also brain imaging tests or chest .
Treatment and Prevention of Delirium
The first goal of treatment is to address the causes that trigger delirium. After that, the treatment is to be aimed at creating an appropriate environment for healing the body and calm the mind of the patient.

The doctor will try to reduce or avoid the use of drugs that can trigger delirium. However, doctors still prescribe some medicines that control pain can trigger delirium.

Supportive care for patients with delirium are also needed to prevent complications. Some patient advocates treatment of delirium are:
  • Protect the airway.
  • Provide fluids and nutrients your body needs patients.
  • Help people who have difficulty moving your body.
  • Handle the pain experienced by the patient.
  • Prevent patients lose control of himself.
  • Avoid the use of physical restraint or the use of tube bladder.
  • Avoid a lot of changes in the environment around the patient.
  • Encourage interactions between patients with a family or close relatives.
Some things that can be done to prevent or not aggravate delirium, namely:
  • Avoiding risk factors that trigger delirium, for example, is in the hospital with a new atmosphere, the noise, the use of drugs, rooms or room lighting is bad, confusion.
  • Make healthy sleep habits. Provide room and a quiet environment, good lighting, including helping the patient to have a balanced activity during the day, can help to sleep better at night.
  • Kept trying to compose or direct the patient to not feel much change in the surroundings. This includes putting goods known sufferers in the vicinity, provide clock and calendar, and attempted to speak in a low voice so that patients are not disturbed.
  • Avoiding medical problems and other complications, which also helps reduce the severity of delirium. A healthy diet, medicines are available, the recommendation for exercise, and treating physical conditions that lead to certain health problems, all can help reduce recurrence of delirium.

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