Lack danger Platelets

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Lack danger Platelets

Platelets are blood pieces small size when compared to leukocytes and erythrocytes and irregularly shaped. Derived from the existing megakaryocytes in the bone marrow, platelets is useful to support the process of blood clotting when injured.
Active structure quite easily broken when it is outside the blood vessels or hit a hard object. When platelet decline, there are some risks to be aware of this danger and shortage of platelets in the body:

Typhus disease
Platelets are down and become too low in the body into danger because you will automatically have the disease typhus. Typhus disease is one of the dangers of the current drop in platelets because platelets go down, it means the middle there is an infection in the body.

This danger usually occurs in children which will appear spots on the skin. If you notice, there is also the bruises that looks small but reddish.

Bleeding in Stomach
In children, if platelet decline, then the danger is bleeding in the stomach which can also occur in the intestines. This will then make the child vomit and during defecation, feces come out black.

Bleeding in the nose and gums
Bleeding can occur not only on the part of the stomach or intestine, for children who experience a decrease in platelets, the danger could be a nosebleed. Bleeding from the nose is not the only one, because bleeding can occur in the gums or central venous access devices. Bleeding is also difficult to stop after applied pressure of about 5-10 minutes.

Dengue fever
Of course, when talking about the reduction of platelets, the dangers often associated with this case is dengue fever. Damage to platelets associated with dengue infection and the condition is very famous in our communities.

Aplastic anemia
Additional hazards will be shortage of platelets is aplastic anemia where this is going to happen when the cells that produce red blood in the spinal cord not functioning properly. The spinal cord in this condition becomes vacant because of leukocytes was also reduced accompanying low platelets so you need to be careful if you have aplastic anemia.

Danger of platelets is reduced leukemia or blood cancer in which the symptoms of the disease is quite similar to dengue fever. This disease is one of the deadly disease in which there are two important organs of the human body that would be affected, namely the bone marrow and lymphatic tissues. When normal circumstances, the cells that exist in the body will make the division, forming new cells as replacement cells are old, old, and who had died.

But in the case of leukemia, the new cells will develop even do not really need the body and even the old cells will not die-die. As a result, the white blood cells to be produced on an ongoing basis by the bone marrow cells of another that is not dead yet be displaced and pressed.

Danger from declining or low platelets is myelofibrosis where this is a medical condition that is hampered due to scarring or fibrosis arising in the bone marrow. Production of blood cells that are affected will make the symptoms such as abnormal bleeding, fatigue, body weakness, and anemia. In the early stages, this condition did not display symptoms and if they had no symptoms, treatment can be done is with chemotherapy, analgesics, and blood transfusions.

Immunologic Disease or Thrombocytopenia Purpura ITP
Included in danger of shortage of platelets, auto-immune disease will cause symptoms like bleeding spots are visible on the surface of the skin. This reduced platelet caused by the immunological mechanism in which platelet antibodies which attack our body shape.

Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation or DIC
Dangers of these cases will emerge, especially for someone with lupus disease or cirrhosis of the liver. A person with a condition in which the blood is infected by germs can be at risk of these dangers.

Bleeding Hard to Quit
Because platelets have a role to help the formation of blood clots that if the bleeding can be stopped . If platelets become down , the danger is when you bleed , and it will be difficult to stop . The main function of platelets has been damaged , if it becomes less , so that's why platelet function is necessary and important to maintained .

Excessive bleeding can occur , and can even be experienced internally or in organs such as the previously mentioned . For the recovery will gradually longer so that the drop in platelets need to be addressed first by raising the conditions so that the bleeding will get better quickly .

( Read also :characteristics-of-blood-sugar-in-body )

How to Increase Platelets

Then, how safe way to increase platelets in the body when a person's platelet deficiency ? Here are powerful ways that are simple to be tried by you.

Avoid Certain Drugs
Certain medications, such as fever and pain reliever medication should be avoided because that is what actually slows production and inhibits platelet performance. Examples of specific drugs are Ibuprofen and Aspirin that you can get for free.

Eating Omega-3 contained
Omega-3 fatty acids are very good for the body, and foods that contain omega-3 include wild salmon, flax seed oil, fish oil, and fish. The immune system will be enhanced with these foods, the following are also platelets.

Eating contained Folic Acid and Vitamin B12
Folic acid and vitamin B12 are essential in supporting the production of blood elements, platelet one of them. Sources of food that can be consumed each day include dried beans, oranges and spinach which are all high in folic acid content. Meanwhile, to get vitamin B12, you can eat goat meat, liver, milk, eggs and cheese.

Eating Minerals and Vitamins
Supplements will help to make the immune system stronger so that platelets will rise naturally. Vitamins are soluble in water can you consume as well. Supplements are alternative ways in which you can get vegetables or fruits that have vitamin substances.

Avoid Triggering Activities Bleeding
Do not always doing risky activities that lead to cuts, scrapes or knocks because physical activity will be able to make the bleeding will longer time to heal.

Simply break
Platelets will be produced when the body is always regains its freshness. The most effective way for this is to rest or sleep enough, ie at least 7-8 hours per day.

Eating Warm Water
Warm water is very good for consumption because when the warm water into the body, there is more blood cells or platelets increased because water and protein that make blood cells that the body needs. Meanwhile, when consuming cold water, usually those in which the digestive tract becomes obstructed and finally how the body's absorption of nutrients affected.

 ( Read also : The-causes-of-blood-coagulation )

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