Dangers of Tobacco Cigarettes for Health and Lungs

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Dangers of Tobacco Cigarettes for Health and Lungs

Smoking is one habit that can lead to various kinds of health problems and diseases. Although it's been a lot of hard evidence about the detrimental effects of smoking, in fact, the dependence of smoking in Indonesia is still high society. In the annual report of WHO, recorded at 36% of Indonesia's population, equivalent to more than 60 million population of Indonesia smoke. Even if the policy remains as it is today, the WHO estimates that the number of smokers in Indonesia would rise to 90 million people in 2025 later. Such a large amount is also consistent with the results of research the University of Indonesia who revealed that every day not less than 500 people died as a result of our cigarettes.

Seeing the impact that is so dangerous to the survival of the community, various studies have been conducted and reported to the general public so they get an understanding of what is actually contained in tobacco cigarettes that are very harmful to the body. This of course is expected to be a step in reducing smoking habits in Indonesia.

From various studies, it has been found about 2500 kinds of chemical components in tobacco cigarettes. Of these, about 1100 components can be identified directly in cigarette smoke, while the rest is broken down and joined with other substances into new components.

 ( Read also :  danger-cigarette-against-brain-you-need )

Chemicals Tobacco Cigarettes
Hazardous chemicals from the tobacco can we categorize from five kinds of components below;
  • compounds alkaloids
Alkaloid compound is a substance that is genetically inherited. One example of these compounds is nicotine. In (Voges: 2000) and (Asmino and sudoko: 1987), states that the nicotine present in cigarette tobacco will lead to addiction and dysfunction of the heart and lungs.
  • A chemical that increases when the oven too long
Substances that example is TSNA. Naturally, TSNA (tobacco the specific nitrosamines). are in leaf tobacco in small amounts. However, these substances will increase when through the oven too long. TSNA amount may also increase due to the activity of a particular organism. For the human body, TSNA (tobacco the specific nitrosamine) as a potentially carcinogenic substance that can trigger cancer.
  • Combustion residues
Combustion is burning through the oven is done with direct heating. One example that B-a-P (benzo-a-pyrene) which is also a carcinogenic compound.

  • Fertilizer and pesticide residues
During the growing process, tobacco plants has certainly exposed to various types of chemical fertilizers and pesticides which will then be accumulated in various organs of plants. Chemicals such as chlorine, cadmium, sipermetrin, provenofos, and so forth.

  • NTRM (nontobacco related-material)
NTRM are foreign substances other than tobacco participating processed into tobacco smoking. The presence of a foreign substance is no less dangerous with the four sources above. As well as plastic, rope, or the packaging materials.

Based on the Journal of Neuroscience (anti-acrolein treathment), Tobacco Crop Bulletin, April 2010: 33-43 (Tunggadewi, Tribunal University, Malang), mentioned there are a wide variety of harmful chemicals in tobacco smoke, of which hazardous substances that cause health problems for the human body if it gets into the human body. Here is the danger of smoking tobacco should be wary:

destructive HDL
Acrolein is one of the substances burning tobacco smoking. Acrolein is a liquid and contain alcohol. In the body, acrolein will interfere with the process of lipid metabolism, namely by destroying the HDL (good cholesterol) and change the structure of LDL (bad cholesterol) in the blood vessels become unrecognizable body. As a result, the immune system sends white blood cells to attack. Buildup of these white blood cells that would cause plaque and trigger a stroke.

Oxygen Transportation Impaired
When tobacco smoke began burned and inhaled, it produces carbon monoxide as a result of the end of incomplete combustion. The dangers of carbon monoxide to the body is to interfere with the transport of oxygen to body cells. This is because the holding capacity of hemoglobin (the oxygen-carrying protein) to carbon monoxide is much stronger than the binding power of the oxygen itself. If oxygen circulation is disturbed man would easy to experience chest tightness and shortness of breath.

Influential Against Nervous System
In the tobacco cigarettes, nicotine acts as an addictive substance. In the body, nicotine affects the nervous system to stimulate the appearance of feeling more relaxed, comfortable, and reduce tension. The effect is what makes a person addicted to smoking to get the feeling. While in the long term, nicotine can also increase the body's cholesterol levels, thereby increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Damage to Lungs
Ammonia substances which are generally used in cleaning products and fertilizers, it is also found in cigarettes. The presence of ammonia will increase the impact caused by nicotine. Namely the reaction between the two will make nicotine gaseous so easily absorbed through the respiratory tract. In addition, ammonia also lead to lung damage.

The combination of the compound and the hydrogen cyanide is a poison that is very harmful for the body. On cigarette consuming, hydrogen cyanide will damage the cilia lining along the respiratory tract and lungs, whereas cilia function itself is a deterrent foreign substances from entering the lungs. In addition, cyanide poisoning can also cause a variety of symptoms, such as headache, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, flutter heart , lost consciousness until death.

Pau-lung inflammation
Nitrogen oxide is a toxic gas that can trigger inflammation in the lungs. Besides found in cigarettes, nitrogen oxide gas is also commonly found in byproducts / waste motor vehicles and factories. Although the body naturally require nitrogen oxides in small amounts as an intermediary impulses between cells, but if the amount is too large it will cause the above problems and widen the airways so that harmful chemical substances other more easily get into the lungs.

causes Cancer
Formalin is generally used as a mixture of disinfectant and preservative products corpse if it gets into the body, can cause cancer.

Inhibit Enzyme Performance
Phenol be harmful to the body because it can be bound to proteins that inhibit the workings of enzymes in the body.

Disrupting Metabolism System
Compounds of hydrogen sulfide is a toxic gas that is likely to exist in tobacco. The adverse effects of these toxins is to inhibit the oxidation of certain enzymes that disrupt the body's metabolism.

At room temperature, methanol is a liquid and volatile. In addition, also tend to be flammable methanol. The harmful effects of direct contact with methanol which can damage the sense of sight can even cause death.

The content of tar in cigarette tobacco is widely known as one of the substances harmful to the body. Among that can cause heart disease, bronchitis, emphysema, as well as disorders in pregnancy. Meanwhile, when tobacco is burned, tar will be carcinogenic substances that cause cancer.

Impaired Cell Regeneration
Arsenic is a toxic metal that often leads to death on the factory workers. The presence of arsenic accumulated little by little from cigarettes will be able to interfere with the ability of the body's cells to renew themselves.

DNA damaging
Harmful effects of nitrosamines to the body is its ability to damage the DNA of cells. With the mutation in the DNA, it makes a powerful carcinogen nitrosamines as an ingredient in cigarettes. Basically nitrosamines are found in small amounts in tobacco, but will rise when tobacco is burned.

There are so many chemicals that uses benzene as solvents, including gasoline. In the tobacco itself is found benzene, so that for a smoker, he will receive tenfold benzene than nonsmokers. While the dangers of benzene to the body is able to cause cancer of the blood.

Kidney illness
In practice, cadmium is one component in the manufacture of batteries. Material that is not fair if consumed this body are known to cause cancer, triggering kidney damage, and damage the lining of arteries.

Skin cancer
Polonium is a radioactive substance triggers cancer of the body. Although naturally alpha rays of polonium-210 can be protected by the skin. But it is different for smokers, the important role of skin becomes useless because they expose polonium-210 directly to the lung cells. This is what will trigger the growth of skin cancer easily. Chromium is also a carcinogenic substance for the body. In general, the chemical form of the metal is used as an ingredient for the manufacture of other metals as well as a mixture of paint manufacture.

That assorted dangers of tobacco cigarettes that can be very harmful to the body if it gets into the human body. Therefore, it is wise to avoid smoking and do not consume them.

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