know about bulimia

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know about bulimia

Bulimia or bulimia nervosa is a serious eating disorders and potentially life-threatening. Mental disorders can be associated with extreme levels of low self-esteem , alcoholism , depression , and self-harm acts .

People with bulimia will eat the food in excessive amounts , then forced out of the body by vomiting or using laxatives . How unhealthy is performed by sufferers to eliminate excess calories that have been consumed for weight is maintained.

Bulimia is more often experienced by women than by men , as well as eating disorders in general. The study estimates that there are about 8 100 women who suffer from this disorder . Most experienced by women at the age of 16-40 years.

Symptoms of Bulimia
The main indication that a person suffering from bulimia are eating food in excess, although sufferers do not feel hungry. This process can be triggered by emotional problems, such as stress or depression. Sufferers then feel guilt, regret and self-loathing that would force the body to remove all the calories that have been entered. This method is generally carried out by forcing herself to vomit or use laxatives to trigger the process of defecation. People with bulimia experience this cycle at least more than two times a week for at least three months.

In addition to the unhealthy way, there are some other symptoms that suggest bulimia. Among others are:
  • So fixated on your weight and body shape, sometimes until it feels no sense.
  • Always assume negative against his own body shape.
  • Fear of fat or feel overweight.
  • Often out of control when eating, for example, continue to eat up a stomachache or eating excessive portions.
  • Reluctant to eat in public places or in front of others.
  • Often rushed to the bathroom after eating.
  • Forcing yourself to vomit, particularly by inserting a finger into the esophagus.
  • Having damaged teeth and gums.
  • Excessive exercise.
  • Using laxatives, diuretics, or enemas after eating.
  • Using supplements or herbal products for weight loss.
If you are suffering from bulimia, immediately consult a doctor. Bulimia is left untreated can lead to serious complications.

Causes and Triggers Factor Bulimia
The main cause of bulimia is not known with certainty. Many factors can increase a person's risk of developing this disorder . Trigger factors include:
  • Gender. Bulimia is more often experienced by women than men .
  • Psychological problems , such as low self-esteem , depression , stress , perfectionism , post-traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD ) , and obsessive komplusif disorder ( OCD ) .
  • Age. Bulimia usually strikes adolescents and adults .
  • Heredity . If you have immediate family members ( siblings or parents ) who have bulimia , you are at higher risk for experiencing the same disorder .
  • Social demands . For example, adolescents who feel the need to lose weight because it affected his friends.
  • Demands of the profession . For example, a model that should be slim or athletes who need to keep your weight closely.
Bulimia Diagnosis Process
During the preliminary investigation, the doctor will ask the symptoms you experienced such treatment in other diseases. If your condition is included in the criteria that indicate bulimia, then the doctor will recommend a thorough physical examination, blood tests, urine tests, as well as the evacuation of psychology.

The main criteria that indicate bulimia is a cycle of binge eating and then pull out the extra calories by force from the body. Then, accompanied by negative assumptions about body shape and weight.

Bulimia Treatment Steps
The hardest part for people with bulimia and important is to recognize abnormalities they experienced. This step is very significant that people with a desire to heal and willing to undergo treatment.

Main handling to overcome bulimia is with psychological therapy. Through therapy, you will be helped to re-establish a positive attitude and mind to diet. This process will also help to detect emotional problems behind bulimia. There are two types of therapy that can be followed, namely cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal therapy.

Through CBT, you will be helped to recognize the trigger bulimia, for example, opinion and negative behavior and learn to replace them with positive thinking and healthy.

While interpersonal therapy will help you to detect problems in dealing with others, while enhancing the ability to communicate and solve problems.
To reduce symptoms, use of selective serotonin release inhibitors (SSRIs) are also sometimes combined with therapy. Fluoxetine is the most frequently used SSRIs in dealing with bulimia.

Your doctor will monitor developments as well as your body's reaction to the drug regularly during use antidepressants. This drug is not suitable for use by people with bulimia are under 18 years old. People with epilepsy, having a family history of heart disease, liver, or kidneys are also advised to avoid these drugs.

If you experience serious complications bulimia, you should undergo treatment at the hospital. This step is taken to prevent the fatal consequences of complications at the same time addressing the urge to self-harm or even suicide.

Step treatment for bulimia usually takes time and effort is not small. Full support of friends and family also play an important role. Therefore, people and families are encouraged to be patient in living.

Risk of Complications Bulimia

If not treated , bulimia can lead to serious complications and even fatal.

Frequency of vomiting is often the case will damage the teeth ( due to stomach acid ) and trigger swelling of salivary glands . Similarly, the sore throat and bad breath .

Nutritional deficiencies also included the serious complications of bulimia . These complications can lead to dehydration , it is difficult to conceive due to irregular menstrual cycle , skin and hair dry , brittle nails , kidney failure , and heart failure .

While the use of laxatives uncontrolled can cause damage to the digestive organs and interfere with the body's natural balance of the levels of compounds . This imbalance could potentially lead to fatigue , weakness , irregular heartbeat , and seizures .

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