How Diet Right and the Wrong Body

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How Diet Right and the Wrong Body

Diet is often confusing. Sometimes if we're on a diet, our weight just does not diminish at all. But conversely, if we're not carrying out a diet, our weight is slightly reduced. Indeed, there are several factors that affect our weight loss such as stress, busy, and pain. To the extent that anyone hurting himself by making himself sick and stressed. Many people assume that diet is simply eating less and exercising. Yet that assumption is not based on accurate research, Though often eat less and exercise can also lower the weight significantly. However, nutrition and nutrients that our body needs much more attention should implement a diet program. How should our bodies can stay fit and still get a lot of nutrients without making our body fat, how should our diet when implementing the diet, and so forth.

Most implementers diet less attention to things above, so that they had the results of the diet can be confusing and diet wrong program .lack of understanding nutrition and health also affect the diet program undertaken. As a result, diets fail. Though already struggling restrain appetite and exercise daily. Disappointing is not it?

Well, if you want to lose weight with satisfactory results, then you should know the correct diet and diet is wrong. You also need to know the intake-intake your body what it needs to avoid side effects such as lethargy, fatigue, frequent drowsiness, and so forth.

Diets are Wrong
You often do not realize that your diet is a diet that is wrong. Please observe the following questions. Do you feel sluggish while carrying out a diet program? Are you hungry? Do you feel tired when dieting? Are you so sleepy? Is your body so often tremble? Do you become stronger doing busyness? Is your face so the pale? Is your skin becomes less wrinkled when your weight has gone down? If all the answers or are there some you answer is YES, then you should be careful of your diet program because the question is a fault indicator of your diet. The following characteristics wrong diet

Not Eating Rice
Diet is wrong too when you assume that reduce rice is one way to lose weight. So you do not eat rice though. Whereas rice containing glucose useful carbohidrat and gives strength to our body. So that we have the energy and lethargy. Rice also helps expedite our body's metabolism so that the process of erection and burning in the body running smoothly.

Well, if you just do not eat rice, you actually inhibit the metabolic processes in the body that helps burn fat. As a result, the body becomes lethargic and tired and sleepy. If it is so, when our bodies are at the limit of his strength, then our body will shake and limp. The process of successive adverse side effects because they can not indulge to the fullest.

Slimming drugs
Drug slimming be a shortcut that is often used for slimming. In essence, the function of slimming drugs is helping the diet. Most of you actually take the medicine slimming without exercise or set a healthy diet. So that the slimming drug you're taking is not produced significant results against your weight loss.

Slimming drugs will become addictive if you just rely on the drug to lose weight. Because when you stop taking the slimming medication, your body becomes a fat back. You also need to pay attention to correct the content of slimming drugs, what side effects, how it affects your body, for example: the stomach to be bloated every day, more and more non-current BAB, and so the body vibrates, then you should immediately discontinue the drug pemakaina. If you do not pay attention to the content, the side effects of the drug, then certainly you have the wrong diet because the body you are paying attention to it.

Sports Irregular pattern
When carrying out a program of diet, exercise patterns into something that must be considered as well. There are times when you're too lazy to beolahaga Behari-day so you behenti dai exercise, then usually your joints will ache. That is because you do not regularly exercise patterns.

If in one week you are zealous belorahraga, then the next two weeks you do not exercise at all, it will result in your joints stiff at the beginning of the cessation of exercise. Or suppose you never olehraga, then without heating, full week you exercise because you want thin, it makes your bones more often shocked and feel tired. grate on the bone and muscle can only felt until two or three days. And that would certainly make you uncomfortable.

Right Diet
Correct diet characterized by reduced weight slowly but surely without causing side effects. If you do the diet correctly, then you tend to lean permanently. Correct diet as well as a healthy lifestyle. Your body is getting fitter and ideal diet. Proper diet should be done consistently so that a healthy lifestyle. Here are the characteristics of a good diet:

Eating Foods Rich Protein and Fiber
If the wrong diet is to not eat the rice, then the correct diet only reduced the amount of rice intake and increase protein and high-fiber foods instead. Here is the importance of protein and fiber for the body:

  • Our bodies need any nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and so forth. It just needs the appropriate levels respectively. If the body needs carbohydrate content is only 50%, but you incorporate carbohydrates in the body as much as 70%, the remaining 20% ​​would be rendered fat accumulated in the body. Likewise fat, fat is needed by the body, but to a certain degree so as not to overdose of fat. (Read: Diseases caused by protein deficiency)
  • In the diet, food that contains protein and high fiber foods are needed for both the content it can berhasiat smooth bowel movement and erection process without having to have accumulated in the body even though the excess intake. In this case is the most nutritious vegetables. Especially dark green vegetables and contains a lot of water. Like 'lettuce'. This vegetable has a lot of water content and high fiber. Thus, lettuce is very helpful in your weight loss diet. Another vegetable is 'spinach', such as lettuce, spinach also contains plenty of water with the stem and leaves of dark green color. Both of these vegetables is highly recommended for the pe-diet. (Read: Due to lack of fiber - Foods rich in natural fibers)
  • In addition, fat intake should also be considered. We do need some body fat, but the levels are very slightly. Therefore, if you are dieting correctly, then you will reduce all foods that are high in fat, such as fried foods, crackers, chicken skin, and others. You will also reduce fried foods such as snacks. (Read: The Dangers of eating fried foods - Foods containing saturated fats - saturated fats Danger)
  • However, pay attention to the intake-intake that our body needs as well as a healthy lifestyle. With a proper diet is also your body while keeping your health will surely benefit a lot from it.

Without Drugs Slimming
Diets that do not require a slimming drug. Because if you need a slimming drug, then you are sure that your diet is not successful and wants skinny with instant way. Though described above that slimming drugs have side effects, its use should also be considered. And here's the side effects that harm our bodies. Diets that really pay attention to health, so if you have been dieting correctly, you will not need a slimming drugs though.

Exercise regularly
Often because of busy or lazy, you are so reluctant to exercise. Moreover, on a regular basis. Therefore, if you are the type of lazy, then you should be low-intensity exercise, as long as a regular and consistent so as not to cause pain in bones and joints. Mild exercise can help you lose weight if done regularly. Such as walking. Do not think walking is not a sport. If you took time to walk thirty minutes a day, then do the diet and a healthy life without slimming drugs, then your weight will come down slowly but surely and healthy.

Dieting Success Tips
After so long you know about proper diet and diet is wrong, you should immediately take action. If your diet is correct, then you just carry on alone. If your diet is wrong, then you have to change and more attention to your diet. Well, in order to facilitate it, the following tips will help you:

  • Reducing carbohydrates add fiber. Prioritizing eating dark green vegetables because of high fiber. High fiber can aid digestion and make kenyng longer
  • Chewing food thirty times before swallowing. Chewing old food in the mouth will ease the work of the stomach so that you would be easier to defecate and will no longer be exposed to both bloating and abdominal pain pain.
  • Do not eat in a pattern and a certain time. As before bed, before showering, waking up, and so forth.
  • Drink at least eight glasses of water per day. Much has been proven that drinking at least eight glasses of water per day  can maintain the health of our bodies.
  • Add to drink milk if the limp body as it reduces carbohidrat. Drinking milk can increase the power for you. If you do not like to drink milk, drink water with sweet sugar solution.
  • Reduce fat intake. Reduce by not eating foods high in fat such as fried foods, crackers, and so forth.
  • Regular exercise despite foot. The point is regular. If you are accustomed to exercise by running, then running your regular exercise patterns. If you did not ever exercise, then start by walking 30 minutes per day with consistently.
  • Replace slimming supplements are healthful. For example, salmon oil, propolis, and other supplements that make your body fit and healthy.

In essence, the right diet is a healthy lifestyle. Obesity was not something healthy so we need to the diet to prevent diseases caused by obesity. Especially when you are no longer young age, your body need more attention. So start now with a healthy lifestyle of diet and the intake-intake the body needs, then keeping with the sport, and help with health supplements.

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